
Air cargo companies and operators involved in arms trafficking and other destabilizing commodities such as cocaine and precious minerals have frequently been contracted to fly humanitarian aid or support peace-keeping missions.

You can protect your organization or company from procuring air cargo services from arms traffickers by consulting this website. By adopting conflict-sensitive logistics policies and dialoguing with your transport partners, you can promote ethical transportation principles.

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Air Transport and Destabilizing Commodity Flows

Air transport and destabilizing commodity flowsThis Policy Paper shows how existing mechanisms and programmes can be used to tackle destabilizing or illicit commodity flows via air transport. These flows include small arms and light weapons, cocaine, tobacco and valuable raw materials. Since the end of the cold war, trade in these goods has funded and accentuated conflicts in Angola, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Sudan.

This report unequivocally establishes the role that air transport has played in providing the means for weapons to be delivered and resources extracted. As such, it is the first study to examine the role of air transport across the full spectrum of destabilizing or wholly illicit commodity flows.

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