Trailer: It's time to clear the air
An awareness raising film which highlights how peace-support and humanitarian aid operations, mineral extraction and private military companies have used air cargo companies involved in shipping weapons, narcotics and "blood" minerals to and from African conflict zones.
Documentary: Clearing the air
An information film on how the global humanitarian aid community is working to stop air cargo companies involved in arms trafficking, narcotics and "blood mineral" flows from transporting humanitarian aid supplies.
Membership of is free and available to organizations working in the fields of humanitarian aid and peace support. Members can access a variety of tools and resources to support the effective implementation of conflict sensitive logistics programs and ethical transportation policies.
To become a member, please fill in the application form.
Our work is a clearinghouse supporting the global humanitarian aid and peace-support communities to implement effective conflict-sensitive logistics policies and make informed air transport procurement decisions.
It provides a wide variety of tools to help reduce the exposure of humanitarian aid and peace-keeping operations to companies involved in arms trafficking and other destabilizing commodity flows.