Un éventail d'organisations fournissent des informations générales, des lignes directrices, des normes et des codes de conduite utiles pour les organisations et les entreprises qui souhaitent mettre en œuvre des programmes efficaces de logistique sensible aux conflits fondés sur le droit international humanitaire (DIH) et sur les meilleures pratiques.
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Useful background information, guidelines, standards and codes of conduct
Council of the European Union: Council Common Position on Arms Exports
In 1998 the Council adopted the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports which set up eight criteria for the export of conventional arms, established a notification and consultation mechanism for denials and included a transparency procedure through the publication of the EU annual reports on arms exports.
The Code contributed significantly to the harmonisation of national arms export control policies and its principles and criteria have been officially subscribed to by various third countries.
European Commission: Aviation Safety Policy
In the EU, the aviation safety system is based on a close collaboration between the European Commission, the European Aviation Safety Agency, Eurocontrol, national civil aviation authorities of the Member States, as well as the aircraft manufacturers, airlines and other undertakings participating in the single aviation market.
Good Humanitarian Donorship
The Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) initiative has been endorsed by the governments of Germany, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the United States, Finland, France, Ireland, Japan, Luxemburg, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and the European Commission. The GHD principles and good practice may be of interest to air cargo and maritime companies involved in humanitarian aid operation contracts funded by these donors is hosted by the School of Public Health at the University of Sydney and provides daily small arms-related articles published in the global mass media.
International Humanitarian Aid Procurement Service (iHAPS)
The International Humanitarian Aid Procurement Services (iHAPS) brings humanitarian aid organizations in touch with suppliers of goods and services.
International Labour Organization
The United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) is the repository of Conventions, standards and guidelines for employee-related rights and is a source of information for companies wishing to incorporate globally acknowledged work and social standards into ethical policies, principles and best practices.
POGO Federal Contractor Misconduct Database
A database containing United States' federal contractors and any misconduct they may have committed, set up and maintained by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO).
Principes volontaires sur la sécurité et les droits de l’homme
Les Principes volontaires sur la sécurité et les droits de l’homme comprennent les « Transferts d’équipement » dans lesquels les entreprises « devraient considérer le risque de tels transferts, toutes les conditions appropriées d’exportation légale et la faisabilité de mesures pour mitiger des conséquences négatives prévisibles, y compris un contrôle adéquat pour empêcher le détournement ou la déviation d’équipement pouvant mener à l’abus des droits de l’homme. Lorsqu’elles évaluent les risques, les entreprises devraient prendre en compte tous les incidents passés en rapport avec les précédents transferts d’équipement. »
Principios Voluntarios en Seguridad y Derechos Humanos
Los Principios Voluntarios en Seguridad y Derechos Humanos cubren “Transferencias de Equipos” en los que las compañías “debieran tener en cuenta el riesgo en tales transferencias, todos los requisitos importantes de licencia de exportación, y la viabilidad de medidas para mitigar las consecuencias negativas previsibles, incluyendo los controles adecuados para prevenir la mala utilización o desviación de los equipos, que puedan conducir a abusos de los Derechos Humanos. Al realizar la evaluación de riesgos, las compañías debieran tomar en cuenta todos los incidentes pasados relevantes que hayan involucrado transferencias de equipos.”
Principles of Conduct for The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Response Programmes
This governs the principles which underlie the work of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
The Humanitarian Charter
The Humanitarian Charter has been adopted by many humanitarian organizations to guide their behaviour and ethical standards. It provides insight on the principles and best practices of the humanitarian aid community. The Humanitarian Charter is an initiative of the Sphere Project.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) provides a number of reports, policy briefs and tools on Conflict Sensitive Business Practice which may be of interest to humanitarian aid and commercial logistics companies working in conflict zones or neighbour states affected by natural resource extraction processes.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development provides guidance to multi-national enterprises on general policies, disclosure, bribery, taxation, environmental and employment-related issues. These provide useful benchmarks for companies or operating
La transparence des entreprises en ce qui concerne les opérations proprement dites et la communication interne est un élément clé des politiques de transport éthique qui visent à satisfaire les programmes de logistique sensible aux conflits. Transparence International est une organisation mondiale qui combat les différentes formes de corruption. Transparence International offre un éventail de ressources qui peuvent être utiles aux acteurs du secteur privé engagés dans les opérations logistiques de l’aide humanitaire et du soutien de la paix (lien:
La transparencia corporativa en relación con las operaciones mismas y la comunicación interna es un componente clave de las políticas de transporte ético que buscan satisfacer programas de logística sensible al conflicto. Transparencia Internacional es una organización global que lucha contra diversas formas de corrupción. Transparencia proporciona una serie de materiales que pueden ser utilizados por actores del sector privado que participan en operaciones logísticas de ayuda humanitaria y de apoyo a la paz (enlace:
Corporate transparency with regard to actual operations and internal reporting is a key component of ethical transportation policies which seek to satisfy conflict-sensitive logistics programs. Transparency International is a global coalition which combats various forms of corruption. Transparency provides a range of materials which may be of use to private sector (link: ) actors engaged in humanitarian aid and peace-support logistics operations.
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights cover "Transfers of Equipment" in which companies "should consider the risk of such transfers, any relevant export licensing requirements, and the feasibility of measures to mitigate foreseeable negative consequences, including adequate controls to prevent misappropriation or diversion of equipment which may lead to human rights abuses. In making risk assessments, companies should consider any relevant past incidents involving previous equipment transfers."