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De senaste veckorna har stora mängder vapen flugits in till Libyen från Vitryssland. Dessutom har Muammar Kadaffis privatplan vid minst två tillfällen landat i bundsförvanten Lukasjenkos Vitryssland, troligen med betalning i form av diamanter i bagaget. Det säger den brittiske forskaren Hugh Griffiths vid Stockholms internationella fredsforskningsinstitut, Sipri.
Article on ethical procurement of air cargo services by EthicalCargo Training Manager, Jon Fowler, in the latest edition of Humanitarian Exchange (published February 2011 - pages 29-31).
Hugh Griffiths, who monitors arms trafficking for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, said Hyde "has long been the subject of interest by (United Kingdom) authorities and international arms groups." Many arms dealers — some contracted by the U.S. government — bought up weapons from the Balkans after the conflicts there and shipped them to Iraq or Afghanistan, Griffiths said. Many of the firearms had been poorly stored and were in unreliable condition, he said.
Hugh Griffiths, an arms trafficking expert with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, sheds some light on the gray business of small arms and tells us about his innovative project called Ethical Cargo which works to curtail the trade.
The world's most infamous arms dealer, Viktor Bout, could be extradited to the United States. Yet around the globe, most dealers operate with impunity because they supply the demand for a hot commodity: small arms.
He's been called "the lord of war" and "the merchant of death." He stands accused of selling weapons to the world's most murderous regimes from Afghanistan's Taliban to Liberia's Charles Taylor, who is now on trial in the Hague for crimes against humanity.